
Top 12 – Best Business Plan Software

Top 12 - Best Business Plan Software

If you’re looking for the best Business Plan Software, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a list of the top options on the market, so you can find the perfect one for your needs.

Here are our top picks for Business Plan Software

1. LivePlan

LivePlan is the best business plan software for small businesses and startups. It offers step-by-step instructions, expert guidance, tutorials, and 500+ sample plan to help you get started quickly.

The financials tool simplifies budgeting, forecasting, and performance tracking with accurate projections – no spreadsheets or number crunching needed!

You can craft a one-page pitch of your model to share without revealing the full document, and sync QuickBooks/Xero for accounting data.

An impressive performance dashboard featuring charts and graphs provides the confidence needed to manage your venture from day one onward.

2. Cuttles

Cuttles is an innovative business software that helps entrepreneurs create and understand their business plans quickly and easily.

It includes a guided pitch system, which provides the user with step-by-step instructions to help them form their plans.

This interactive software also offers budgeting tools so users can plan out their finances accordingly.

Cuttles is simpler and faster to use than traditional business planning software, making it an ideal choice for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to launch a successful venture.

With its easy navigation system and intuitive features, Cuttles will provide users with everything they need to make informed decisions about how to grow their businesses in the long term.

3. IdeaBuddy

IdeaBuddy is a great business planning tool that can be used by entrepreneurs, startups, and established companies alike.

It provides an extensive guide to help users develop their ideas into full-fledged business models.

This includes creating a value proposition, identifying key resources and partners needed for the project, outlining strategies and tactics for success, setting up financial projections based on the available data, testing the validity of the concept with market research feedback from potential customers or investors – all this comes with easy-to-edit templates so you can customize your plan according to your needs.

The interface is intuitive and user-friendly which makes it even more enjoyable to use! With IdeaBuddy as your go-to business plan software, you’ll have everything you need to make an impressive business plan presentation.

4. MAUS Hub

Maus Hub is a comprehensive business planning software that helps you develop, organize and execute your strategy.

You can create detailed plans to reach your financial and business value goals, track progress over time, and identify areas of improvement.

Maus also provides insights into the competitive landscape by helping you compare performance against competitors.

It is designed to help businesses of all sizes stay on top of their strategies in order to remain competitive in today’s ever-changing market.

Furthermore, it allows you to collaborate with other team members in real-time through its secure interface.

With features like goal-setting capabilities and customizable dashboards, Maus Hub makes it easy for users to stay organized while keeping an eye on the big picture.

5. Bizplan is the world’s largest startup platform and it provides a wide range of services to help over one million startup companies get off the ground.

These include helping them find customers, secure funding, find mentors, and receive education from some of the best in the industry.

The website provides entrepreneurs with five tools to help them manage and grow their businesses:, Clarity, Fundable, Launchrock, and Zirtual. With these tools, entrepreneurs can connect with advisors, raise capital online, launch new businesses quickly and easily, and get virtual assistant services.

6. Growth Forge

Growth Forge is a cloud-based software that helps innovation teams formulate, model, and evaluate business strategies.

The software makes well-established tools, methods, and best practices interactive, adaptable, and interoperable.

It combines aspects of project management, analytics, financial, and collaboration software, all integrated and optimized for managing innovation, strategy, and new business growth.

7. ABS Ultimate Business Planner

Atlas Business Solutions Ultimate Business Planner 5.0 is a comprehensive software package designed to help you create and customize your business plan with ease.

It features step-by-step instructions, expert tips and advice, and the latest features and tools available to ensure that your business plan looks professional and ready for presentation.

With this user-friendly software, you can be sure that your business plan will be well-crafted, complete with all of the necessary components required to make an impact on potential investors or lenders.

Whether you are just starting out in business or looking to expand into new markets, Atlas Business Solutions Ultimate Business Planner is the perfect tool for creating a successful business strategy!

8. Beezly

Beezly is a modern business plan and company analysis creator that enables users to create professional business plans without specialist knowledge.

The app has been adapted for teamwork, allowing unlimited members to be added to a project team.

Beezly hopes to bring value to users’ businesses with its easy-to-use platform.

9. BizPlanBuilder

WBizPlanBuilder is a business plan software platform designed to help start-up teams, business owners, and consultants get organized, finance their companies and run them in an efficient manner.

Our platform comes loaded with various business apps and templates that make it easier for users to create detailed plans for their businesses. Additionally, the platform offers features such as real-time financial forecasting tools and integrated strategy maps which allow users to track progress quickly and easily.

With BizPlanBuilder’s comprehensive suite of tools, you can be sure your company will have the resources needed to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

10. Bplans

Bplans’ products are designed specifically for small businesses because the company understands the challenges and knows what it takes to be successful. The company is committed to providing this knowledge and expertise to as many other small businesses as possible.

11. Business Plan Quick Builder

Business Plan Quick Builder is an Android app designed to streamline creating a professional business plan.

It allows users to quickly and easily create a business plan using its simple template, saving time by eliminating the need for extensive research or knowledge in business planning.

The app also offers helpful tips and advice while users are constructing their plans, ensuring that they have all the necessary information required to make their businesses successful.

With Business Plan Quick Builder, entrepreneurs can be sure they’re putting together a comprehensive and well-organized plan that will help them take their ideas from concept to reality.

12. Enloop

Enloop is a leading business planning software that allows you to quickly and easily create a professional business plan. The app automatically generates text for each section of the plan, making it easy to keep your business plan up-to-date.