
Top 12 – Best Marketing Analytics Software

Top 12 - Best Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing Analytics Software is a data-driven program that allows businesses to analyze marketing performance and track key metrics. This type of software helps marketers measure the effectiveness of their campaigns, identify new opportunities, and make informed decisions about their strategies. It provides insights into customer behavior, sales trends, competitive analysis, and more.

With Marketing Analytics Software, companies can better understand how their customers interact with their products or services and optimize campaigns according to campaign goals. Additionally, it enables businesses to track ROI (return on investment) in order to assess the success of each effort made towards achieving desired outcomes such as increased conversions or higher customer engagement rates.

Searching for the perfect Marketing Analytics Software can be overwhelming. It is essential to select one that meets your requirements and financial plan, while still delivering effective features. To assist you, we have put together a list of the top picks available. The following are our recommended best Marketing Analytics Software platforms.

1. HubSpot Marketing Hub

The modern marketing landscape is a tough place to navigate. With so many point solutions and powerful yet difficult-to-use tools, it can be hard for marketers to keep up with scattered customer data, lack of effective marketing, and too much time spent on software.

HubSpot Marketing Hub helps solve this problem by providing an easy-to-use platform that has all the necessary marketing tools and data in one place.

This eliminates wasted time and gives marketers the context they need to personalize their experience while still reaching a large audience. Furthermore, as part of the full CRM platform, marketers have access to unparalleled alignment with sales teams which allows them to easily prove ROI and validate investments.

Ultimately, HubSpot provides everything you need from strategies and services to software that will help your business grow better without increasing complexity or difficulty along the way.

2. Semrush

Semrush is an industry-leading software-as-a-service platform that specializes in online visibility management. It offers a wide selection of over 55 products, tools, and add-ons for search, content, social media, and market research.

With data from 142 countries and the ability to integrate with Google and task management platforms, Semrush is a must-have for businesses that want to establish a strong digital presence. To give you an idea of Semrush’s power, they monitor more than 800 million unique domains, 43 trillion backlinks, 21 billion keywords, and have had 10 million users try out their services.

3. Mailchimp All-in-One Marketing Platform

Mailchimp is a well-known platform for growing businesses, helping more than 12 million customers around the world to build and expand their businesses with top-notch marketing technology.

It enables them to start selling online, reach and grow their audience, and create successful multichannel campaigns including email, social media, ads, and websites. Many renowned companies such as TEDTalks, Shutterstock, Boston Market, and Nikon India benefit from Mailchimp’s services.

Established in 2001 and based in Atlanta, the company has over 1,200 employees and offices located in various cities such as Brooklyn, Oakland, Vancouver, London, Seattle, and Santa Monica. In 2021, Mailchimp was taken over by Intuit.

4. CallRail Call Tracking

CallRail assists a variety of companies by helping them to maximize their leads and improve their customers. As a leader in marketing analytics and business communication, the software provides real-time data to over 200,000 businesses, allowing them to market with assurance.

5. SharpSpring

SharpSpring, a business owned by Constant Contact, is a marketing platform that assists small businesses in increasing their profits through lead generation, improved conversion rates, and higher returns on marketing investments.

This unique platform, open design, and free customer service combined with flexible contracts deliver genuine results for both growing businesses and digital marketing agencies. To find out more, visit

6. Looker

Looker is transforming the way businesses access intelligence.

By using a browser-based interface and an exclusive modeling language, any employee can access the work of data scientists.

Looker operates solely in the database and takes advantage of the latest, most powerful analytics databases for real-time results.

7. CleverTap

CleverTap is an analytics software that helps app-based businesses customize and optimize their customer touch points. It provides users with audience analytics, deep segmentation, product recommendations, multi-channel engagement, and automation.

Its purpose-built database, TesseractDB™, offers both speed and scalability. It is trusted by over 2000 customers around the world, including Gojek, ShopX, Canon, Electronic Arts, TED, English Premier League, TD Bank, Carousell, AirAsia, Papa John’s, and Tesco.

8. Supermetrics

Supermetrics is a powerful and comprehensive tool designed to streamline, organize, and optimize the collection of marketing data from over 100 different sales and marketing platforms into one single platform.

This platform could be an analytics tool, spreadsheet, data visualization tool, data lake, or warehouse. By using Supermetrics businesses are able to gain more significant insights from their data which results in improved performance based on evidenced-based decisions.

Additionally, there are time and cost savings associated with eliminating manual copy/paste processes.

These advantages have led to Supermetrics being adopted by 700k+ marketers across 120 countries worldwide – that’s 15% of all global advertising spend!


OWOX BI is a user-friendly analytics platform created to simplify data management and reporting.

The service is able to collect data from over 135 marketing sources, combining first-party data with marketing data from all channels and devices, even extending the cookie’s lifetime up to two years.

Automated data transfers, preparation, and reporting tools help you save time on tedious tasks.

With OWOX’s reports, you can understand and compare the effectiveness of your marketing channels, find weak points and potential growth areas, and make quick and informed decisions. Visit the company website for more information.

10. MoEngage

MoEngage is a powerful customer engagement platform that helps marketers and product owners tap into insights in order to personalize the customer experience.

With AI-powered automation and optimization, MoEngage provides brands with deep audience segmentation, allowing them to deliver personalized messages at every touchpoint across their lifecycle.

Recently, Forrester gave MoEngage recognition as a “Strong Performer” in its Cross-Channel Campaign Management report for 2021.

The features of the platform are designed to meet the needs of enterprise-level businesses, providing scalability and reliability with 500 million monthly active users, 50 billion messages sent every month, and 65 billion events processed every month.

Additionally, it offers seamless integration with CRM tools and other technologies within a company’s martech stack so that campaigns can be run without switching tabs or dashboards.

11. is a top-tier partnership management platform established in 2008. It assists businesses, such as brands, publishers, and agencies, to create and maintain long-term relationships with customers.

By providing visibility into the consumer’s journey, is able to effectively optimize the value of partnerships.

12. SproutLoud

SproutLoud is an industry leader in distributed marketing that makes it simple for brands to increase their sales through local resellers, such as dealers, distributors, agents, brokers, retailers, and multi-locations.

SproutLoud offers a Through Channel Marketing Automation technology, which includes marketing resource management, ad building, landing page building, campaign execution, local SEO, Co-Op Marketing funds management, partner engagement, and marketing analytics, all in one platform for brand-to-local marketing.